
Blueberry Muffin Cold Brew

Treat yourself to the ‘Blueberry Muffin Cold Brew,’ our Barista’s Choice for July 2023, and let it brighten up even the gloomiest days! Crafted by Baristas Som and Pond, this scrumptious drink combines elements of fun, freshness, and their own unique flair, filling your glass to the brim with deliciousness!

The journey begins by deconstructing the ingredients of a Blueberry Muffin, a Signature Pastry at Roots, and transforming it into a vibrant Mixed Berry Sauce with sweet and tangy flavors. This perfectly combines with the creamy and velvety Earl Grey Milk Tea. Lastly, both elements are mixed with the Cold Brew Concentrate and garnished with a delightful crunch from the Cashew Nut Cream and Earl Grey Crumble! Expect a fun crunch with every delicious sip!

The Blueberry Muffin Cold Brew is available at all branches of Roots until the end of the month.


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